I wanted to build a left-handed gaming keyboard, mostly to see if I could. Here’s what it looks like: Constraints There actually are already one-handed gaming keyboards on the market. They range from the $130 setups from reputable brands to $25 no-name Chinese gadgets. It was important to me to: build this myself spend less… Read More

I cut my finger chopping potatoes. Now I am having trouble completing normal tasks like drinking coffee left-handed. It’s an illuminating experience to see which activities I do without thinking (but now have to think about). I guess most of these things I have learned to a level that I don’t need to think about… Read More

This weekend I built a mini cigar box amplifier to use when I finish my bass guitar. To be more precise, I built the speaker box. The amp is a little standalone unit that sits on top. This is the second iteration of my practice amp build. At first I tried to build a sealed… Read More

Science is meaningless. Don’t get me wrong, I love science–a systematic method to discover facts. I love technology–the useful application of new discoveries. I work in IT and I was a pre-med student in college. This is not me disrespecting science; it’s about fostering a proper understanding of meaning. Science is meaningless until it is… Read More