This is a mini muddler: for making short drinks. What is a muddler? A bartender’s tool for crushing leaves and berries so the juices can escape into your glass. Big brother muddler: for muddling or beating up intruders. Baseball bat muddler, for home runs. Carved muddler for hipsters, Or anyone who likes facets. Emergency muddler… Read More

Today I opened a package that I had forgotten that I had ordered. It was a $0.76 mini chip amp from China. I wanted to test it, so I searched to see if I had any free drivers. Lo and behold I had a busted laptop from my brother’s college days. A few minutes with… Read More

I finally finished setting up my shop last night and posted the wallets I have been making recently. Let me talk about my goals with selling things here: I want to fund future projects. I spend a lot of my discretionary money on tools and supplies so that I can realize a vision. That gets… Read More

I have enjoyed making coffee scoops lately. These are short and sweet compared to many of my projects. They have a beginning, middle, and end without much extra anywhere. In short, they are fun. Left is walnut, the roundest of the scoops. The middle two are hawthorn that my dad cut from the woods in… Read More

Perhaps one of the things I miss most from childhood is the deep-seated belief that everything can be fixed. This picture shows two girls, drawn by the 3-year-old. She tells me that the one on the right has been bitten by a crocodile. According to the story, the girl went into the crocodile’s ocean and… Read More